Dr. "D"

Dr. "D" is a kind
and gentle doctor.
In fact, he always
says that "gentle" is his
middle name.
And he is right.

He looks like
Harry Potter, and
he loves to read.

I think that Dr. "D"
has been just about
everywhere and has
done everything!
If you've been
somewhere, he has
been there too or
he has a story about the

He is a walking hormone
encyclopedia. And he
can quote just about every
study that's been published.

He served our country in
Vietnam. A flight surgeon.
I think the memories of that war
have scarred him.  He hates to fly
after all those years in a helicopter
and will drive whenever possible. 

Dr. D is the best when it comes to
IVF.  He is smart and gentle and
kind and if you ever have a chance
for him to be your physician, you will
be a lucky woman.

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